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Air Permitting Solutions in Connecticut

Professionals gathered together

Get Expert Help With All Phases of Air Permitting

AG Consulting, LLC will assist with all phases of air permitting. Anthony Giardiello has successfully completed permitting projects for combustion sources, surface coating operations, and other industrial processes. His experience means accurate, timely permit applications that are strategically set up for maximum flexibility and expert negotiations with regulatory agencies, streamlining the permitting process. 

Hassle-Free Air Permit Applications and Emission Reviews

AG Consulting performs dispersion modeling to support permit applications. What this means is Anthony

 is able to provide turn-key

 air permit application preparation in the most cost-efficient manner possible.

Compliance is crucial! It’s necessary to follow air quality standards and guidelines. In difficult situations such as these, experience in emission assessment and dispersion modeling analysis is critical for successful and cost-effective consulting support. The experience of 30 years can support this issue!

The timing of air emission permits can exceed 180 days. Costs of obtaining these permits vary depending on whether it’s a new source or it’s a modification or revision to an existing source, the size of the source, and the types of emission reviews that are required to be conducted for the particular source. Call AG Consulting early in the planning process to avoid production delays.

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Make Sure That Your Industrial Facility Is in Compliance With Air Quality Regulations

Whether you’re building an industrial facility, expanding production or modifying operation, you’ll probably be subject to air quality permitting requirements. Industrial sources must be designed, constructed, and operated to be in accordance with air quality regulations.

Air quality permitting requirements exist within a range of regulatory rules. Each permit has requirements such as emission quantification, control technology evaluations, air quality analyses (including regulatory dispersion modeling), ambient air and meteorological monitoring, emission standards applicability, and compliance assurance.

Personalized Air Dispersion Modeling

Implement an Effective Air Dispersion Model

AG Consulting, LLC can perform air dispersion modeling for many industries. Anthony Giardiello is recognized in the State of Connecticut for his personalized attention, great skills, hardworking efforts, and excellent results.

With the implementation of new dispersion models, more companies realize the value of dispersion modeling as a planning tool to assess and optimize operations and lessen risk. AG Consulting has the expertise and provides service for regulatory situations as well as specialized, often technically challenging scenarios.

For over 30 years, AG Consulting has provided air emission compliance services for industrial facilities, utilities, and other applications.

• Aerospace

• Chemical

• Pharmaceutical

• Power generation

• Manufacturing

Group of professionals gathered together during a presentation

Professional in discussion with a couple

Regulatory Air Dispersion Modeling

AG Consulting works with air emission sources providing air dispersion modeling, air quality compliance services, and software programs. Anthony Giardiello only uses the highest performing software to save time in computer processing hours. This allows more detailed analyses and quicker turnarounds!

Multi-Pathway Risk Assessment Dispersion Modeling

If you’re looking for health and ecological risk analysis, Anthony at AG Consulting has worked with industry, aerospace, manufacturing, regulatory agencies, and trade.

Emergency Response Planning

Unfortunately, there are times when there have been accidental spills of liquid, gas, etc. AG Consulting performs health studies for actual and potential releases of toxic and hazardous air pollutants.

These studies have included emission estimations, acute toxicity evaluations for comparison to threshold limit value-based concentration limits, cancer risk assessment, and ambient monitoring studies.

Professionals gathered around the table

2 professionals shaking hands together

Detailed Toxic Release Inventory Reporting

Earn More About TRI (Toxic Release Inventory)

Toxic Release Inventory r eporting, also known as Form R reporting is required by the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. More facilities than ever are reaching out to learn what it is or if their facility should be reporting. Most importantly, they’re asking what kind of trouble they could be facing for not reporting.

Data from the TRI reports are published in a publicly available database to provide communities with information on the hazardous chemicals that are released in their community. Facilities that manufacture or use greater than a threshold quantity of reportable chemicals are required to report by July 1 of each year. AG Consulting provides a threshold analysis and completion of required reports for its clients.

The EPA has actively enforced compliance with this program and fines can be assessed for non-reporting. Most instances of non-reporting are caused by an incomplete threshold analysis. Fines can be avoided if companies complete the required report and self-disclose the violation to the EPA. Contact AG Consulting to ensure you remain in compliance with TRI reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

Make Sure You Report the Toxic Chemicals at Your Facility

You might not know if you have any toxic chemicals at your facility. Here at AG Consulting, LLC, Anthony can go through your inventory and let you know what needs to be reported. There are so many that you might not even know which should be listed.

Even in the reporting, thresholds are not exceeded, the law requires that documentation of the threshold analysis be maintained at your facility for three years. As your environmental consultant, AG Consulting can provide you with the records required to prove compliance. The inventory reporting is done annually, and it’s due July 1st of every year. Anthony will do it for you utilizing the EPA software and ensure that the reporting to the State is also completed. You will be provided with a customized documentation package to comply with the recordkeeping requirements.

Thorough Tier II Chemical Inventory Reporting

Let Your Community Know Which Chemicals Are Being Used or Stored at Your Facility

Tier II Reporting, also called Community Right-to-Know Reporting, is a regulation that every facility that stores greater than a threshold quantity of a hazardous chemical needs

 to adhere to. Reports must be submitted to local emergency responders, the local emergency planning committee and the State Emergency Response Commission.

This reporting requirement is to give public and government agencies the information on what hazardous materials are being used or stored at your facility. New reporting requirements go into effect for the 2017 reporting year.

Professional on duty

Reports are due on March 1st of each year and some states have developed more stringent rules for themselves and reporting requirements. AG Consulting can provide the reporting and associated risk management plans required by your jurisdiction, including the New York City Community Right-to-Know Law.

Why Is a Chemical Inventory Report Necessary?

Imagine you were a firefighter on your way to fight a fire. You pull up, and there are giant tanks, all unmarked, all on fire. They could be full of water, which would make your job easier. Conversely, they could be full of diesel fuel, which could make the situation extremely volatile very quickly.

Group of professionals gathered together working on laptop

Ensure That Your Facility is NESHAP Compliant

Get NESHAP-Compliance Assistance From AG Consulting, LLC

Dealing with the EPA is what AG Consulting is about. Anthony has an extensive history of excellence in providing industries with compliance assistance. He also monitors the ever-changing NESHAP rules.

Anthony has found that equipment in nearly every facility in the state of CT is affected by NESHAP rules. The requirements in these rules are often the first area of consideration in many air permitting studies. Since 1995, Anthony has worked with many companies that needed help with air regulations and permitting.

Be in Compliance With EPA Regulations

AG Consulting has extensive experience and expertise with air compliance. Anthony will evaluate and administer compliance requirements at all levels. Part of our activity is ongoing facility operations, including NSPS, MACT, and NESHAP reporting; Title V semi-annual and annual reporting; emission inventory questionnaires; and Continuous Emission Monitoring quarterly reports.

Custom Emission Tracking and Reporting Tools

Anthony’s state-of-the-art software has custom emission tracking and reporting tools for his clients. These tools are easy to implement and interface with plant operations.

Anthony’s experience with NSPS and NESHAP has helped his clients in many industries:

  • Aerospace facilities
  • Painting and coating operations
  • Chemical plants
  • Solid waste incinerators
  • Industrial and commercial boilers
  • Fiberglass boat manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical plants
  • Oil and gas operations

Effective Title V Permitting

Contact AG Consulting, LLC for Your Air Pollution Control Requirements

Since the Clean Air Act Title V permitting deals with regulation of air pollution control requirements, Title V also implements maximum achievable control technologies along with standards of acid rain requirements.

After a permit is issued, record keeping and monitoring are required to assure compliance. In addition to the information required for this application, there are other requirements for monitoring and compliance reporting once the Title V permit is issued.

Call Anthony at AG Consulting for your Title V permitting and all areas of air quality permitting and reporting.

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Keep Up With Air Emission Regulations

When dealing with air emissions, the Title V program is an enforceable permit program for substantial sources of air emissions.

Every 5 years, facilities must submit permit renewal applications. These records must be updated for applicability and address changes at emission units in each facility. If there are any changes in regulations, Anthony at AG Consulting will let you know and act accordingly. The same goes for any construction changes.

So, now it’s up to the facility to keep up with these regulations. (The onus used to be on the regulatory agency.) As you probably know, there’s a significant amount of work to keep in accordance with these permits and recording data. Anthony has done hundreds of Title V permitting applications. His experience and knowledge maximize efficiency. The end result is operational flexibility and reporting efficiency.

Ensure That Your Facility is NESHAP Compliant

Get NESHAP-Compliance Assistance From AG Consulting, LLC

Dealing with the EPA is what AG Consulting is about. Anthony has an extensive history of excellence in providing industries with compliance assistance. He also monitors the ever-changing NESHAP rules.

Anthony has found that equipment in nearly every facility in the state of CT is affected by NESHAP rules. The requirements in these rules are often the first area of consideration in many air permitting studies. Since 1995, Anthony has worked with many companies that needed help with air regulations and permitting.

Be in Compliance With EPA Regulations

AG Consulting has extensive experience and expertise with air compliance. Anthony will evaluate and administer compliance requirements at all levels. Part of our activity is ongoing facility operations, including NSPS, MACT, and NESHAP reporting; Title V semi-annual and annual reporting; emission inventory questionnaires; and Continuous Emission Monitoring quarterly reports.

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Custom Emission Tracking and Reporting Tools

Anthony’s state-of-the-art software has custom emission tracking and reporting tools for his clients. These tools are easy to implement and interface with plant operations.

Anthony’s experience with NSPS and NESHAP has helped his clients in many industries:

  • Aerospace facilities
  • Painting and coating operations
  • Chemical plants
  • Solid waste incinerators
  • Industrial and commercial boilers
  • Fiberglass boat manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical plants
  • Oil and gas operations

Get Expert Assistance With Air Permitting And Compliance. Contact AG Consulting, LLC for Reliable Solutions.

2024 @ AG Consulting, LLC